Daily advices
Combination to oily acne-prone skin daily care
Clearly visible pores, forever oily and shiny skin, a dull complexion… Sound familiar?
Daily advices
Clearly visible pores, forever oily and shiny skin, a dull complexion… Sound familiar?
Clearly visible pores, forever oily and shiny skin, a dull complexion… Sound familiar? Often hair is greasy too, which is normal, since oily skin and greasy hair share the same cause. Sometimes, shiny skin only affects the ‘T’ zone. This is called combination skin. It’s so hard to manage on a daily basis that it can become an obsession, for both women and men. Where does this skin imbalance come from?
Skin is usually pretty good in the morning, but as the day advances, it gets shinier and shinier. That’s classic oily skin. There may also be dilated, clearly visible pores, and a dull complexion that always looks like it’s perspiring – without forgetting the risk of having blemishes. Everybody’s nightmare! The ‘T’ zone is most often concerned: forehead, nose and chin. But sometimes the entire face suffers, and even the scalp. What causes oily skin and acne?
Skin is a fragile ecosystem whose balance can be upset by different environmental factors. In the skin ecosystem, sebaceous glands are responsible for producing sebum. How they work depends on
In certain circumstances, the sebaceous glands are out of balance: they secrete too much sebum that is also poor in quality and creates irritation. This is known as dyssebohrrea.
A vicious circle forms. Too much thick sebum creates completely unbalanced skin, where bacteria are only too happy. As they arrive, pimples multiply. This is why people with oily skin also tend to have spots.
Too much sebum, stress, diet, pollution… Faced with a net increase in oily skin problems over the past 30 years, new theories have recently emerged to try and explain the increasing number of cases.
Pollution and oily skin
Pollution may play a role in sebum’s composition and therefore on the skin’s microbiome by creating an imbalance between good and bad bacteria living on the skin’s surface. A simple cleansing with Sebium H2O eliminates 93% of all microparticles coming from pollution*.
*Dermscan study on 33 subjects, 2015
Diet and oily skin
Diet has long been thought to play a role in oily skin problems. Several studies seem to show that dairy products and sugar in particular should be avoided when acne flares up.
Stress and oily skin
Chronic stress also takes its toll on biological balance and sebum production. Some experts speak of an increase in the production of testosterone among adult women, tied to a change in lifestyle. The discrete increase of male hormones may explain the growing number of cases of late-onset acne among adult women.
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