Understand my skin
Everything you need to know about itchy skin
Itching is hard - often impossible - to ignore. So, let’s try to understand why our skin itches and how to deal with it.
Understand my skin
Itching is hard - often impossible - to ignore. So, let’s try to understand why our skin itches and how to deal with it.
Although itching is not an illness but rather a symptom, when chronic, it can very quickly become unbearable on day-to-day basis. Discomfort leads to annoyance, which can make us irritable or even anxious and depressed. Not to mention stopping us from getting a good night’s sleep because itchiness does not stop at night, it is even quite the opposite.
Discover the answers to all your questions about itching.
Itching (also known as “pruritus”) is an unpleasant sensation that triggers the reflex to scratch ourselves. It can be occasional or chronic, localised or more generalised, accompanied by visible signs (red patches, skin rashes) or invisible. We refer to chronic itching when the sensation lasts for more than 6 weeks.
All of us have experienced itching at some point without necessarily knowing what is actually happening. Basically, our skin has very sensitive receptors that capture (almost) everything. When they receive the signal that the skin is being “attacked”, they send an alert to the brain that responds to this tactile stimulation by triggering the scratch reflex.
It is estimated that one third of the world population1 is affected by itching in its lifetime, regardless of geography and age. Everyone can be affected from babies to the elderly, even if the reasons are very different. The challenge is to discover exactly what is causing your skin to itch.
When looking for the cause of your itching, you need to remember that it is first and foremost a symptom. The origin may be linked to multiple factors including:
Hereditary reasons for itchy skin
This is the case if you suffer from atopic dermatitis or itchy psoriasis, which are both genetic skin conditions. In atopic patients, the skin barrier is too porous, allowing allergens to get through. This is combined with a dysfunctional immune system, and the subsequent inflammation often triggers intense itching.
Other pathologies provoking itchy skin
This is the case if you suffer from atopic dermatitis or itchy psoriasis, which are both genetic skin conditions. In atopic patients, the skin barrier is too porous, allowing allergens to get through. This is combined with a dysfunctional immune system, and the subsequent inflammation often triggers intense itching.
Itching affecting skin that is dry or very dry
Skin irritations appear more easily, your skin peels more often and frequently itches.
If you suffer from unexplained itching all over the body, it is important to identify the cause as this kind of itchiness can be symptomatic of very different conditions.
Why does mask wearing causes itching?
Wearing a mask has become crucial nowadays, but it can lead to chronic itching:
In addition to skin pathologies and problems, certain internal and environmental factors can cause or increase itching:
According to a study carried out in France, 40 % of people2 say that itching is more intense when they are resting or laying down. Some conditions like eczema seem to trigger more itching at night. Hives also get worse after dark and when you wake up.
It is not very surprising that itchy skin is more frequent at night. The body and skin are subject to constant variations under the influence of our internal biological clock:
It is a good idea to open the window to let air circulate in your bedroom and also keep the heating to a minimum.
1. Scratching damages the skin and causes a gentle pain that momentarily distracts your brain. Researchers3 have shown that after a few seconds of relief, scratching stimulates a more intense itching sensation.
2. What’s more, this gesture damages the cutaneous barrier, opening the door to bacteria and allergens.
3. In response skin cells send an alert to the brain.
4. This in turn intensifies the inflammation of skin that is already fragile. The result? An even stronger urge to scratch.
In extreme cases, scratching becomes a chronic unconscious behaviour that keeps the skin permanent!
How can you reduce or even stop itching on an everyday basis without scratching?
Here are 3 simple tips to help make life more comfortable.
Hydrate your skin with a soothing moisturising product even when you aren’t experiencing any itching. An anti-itch cream will reinforce the cutaneous barrier and keep out allergens and irritants that could trigger further itching.
If the itching gets too much, scratch yourself with the palm of your hand (definitely not your nails), or a smooth stone or wooden wheel. Keep your nails short to reduce the risk of infection. Cold also relieves itching, so why not apply a gel ice pack? Although a packet of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel is just as effective!
When the itching starts, prepare dinner, go for a run, meditate, start sketching, get some DIY done or look after the garden. Your favourite manual activity will help you forget the itching, at least for a while.
On a daily basis and in the long term, managing and reducing itching begins with soothing care products:
Discover our complementary offer : daily cleansing & daily care products for dry, very dry to atopic skin
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